Here are some rules to follow for effective result:
1) Avoid excess carbohydrate (mostly White)
Try to avoid white carbohydrate in diet. So try to avoid rice, potatoes, pasta, cereal and bread. These foods gives excess carbohydrates. Basically avoid these foods or take it in very less amount.
2) Eat small meals.
3) Eat same meals with Protein and Vegetables
Protein: Chicken breast and thigh, egg white, Beans
Vegetables: Spinach, Banana, Peas, Asparagus
4) Get low on carbs but also get adequate carbs:
Most people who go on low carbohydrate diet usually complain about lower energy, dizziness and tiredness. This is why its so important to get adequate amount of energy while on low fat/low carbohydrate diet.
5) Do not Drink:
Drinking ( not just alcohol) gives you massive amount of calories in coffee, tea, cold drinks etc. Yes aclohol obviously gives more amount of energy too. Try to not get calories in drink.
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