Yes, perfectly shaped butt.
Butt is just a muscle group that can be toned and made fit with exercise. To made your butt firm, in shape and in tone manner. Make sure to do this set of exercise for 3 times weeks in addition with cardio exercise.
Do this first set for 3 times a week and set 2 about 1-2 times a week.
Brazilian Butt Workout Part 1:
1) Kneeling Glute lift with pulses
2) Single leg bridge
3) Resistance band crab walk
4) Squat with kickback
5) Standing side kicks
6) Explosive lunges

1) Ball Bridge
2) Stability Ball Glute lift
3) Bench side step up with side leg raise
4) Stability ball side leg lift with rotations
5) Dumbbell Sumo Squats
6) Elastic band bridge
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